Services & Amenities

Services & Amenities
FREE wheelchair hire
FREE wheelchair hire is available from the Centre, Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm.
For enquiries and bookings please contact Bendigo Marketplace or visit Centre Management between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday.
The Centre Management Office is located at 37 Garsed Street, Bendigo Vic 3550.
Should you require wheelchair assistance please call (03) 5441 6906 to make arrangements.
Bendigo Marketplace has two ATMs located throughout the Centre, located at the Centre entrance near Walker’s Doughnuts and additionally, across from Edge/Cotton On.
Parent’s Room
Bendigo Marketplace has 2 family rooms located at the North and South ends of the shopping centre.
Our family rooms are rated 5 star by the Australian Breast Feeding association.
Family rooms are fully equipped with change stations, feeding chairs, nappy disposal bins and a microwave for your convenience.
Lost property
Centre Management has access to our shopping centre’s lost and found items.
Please contact us Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm should you lose or find something while shopping in our mall.
Connect to FREE WiFi Centre wide Enable Wi-Fi on your mobile device.
Select the network profile _Free Wifi – Bendigo
Log in with your details and accept the terms & conditions to surf the net.